Authorised representative functions
Industrial machinery, production lines, robot systems and AGV/AMV systems
Europen Conformity for the BATTERY ECOSYSTEM
Accessible energy drives the modern and digitalizing world, the demand for storage and management of energy is eminent.
Compliance of ROBOTS and ROBOT SYSTEMS
You can focus on creating and using your robot systems while we take care of their conformity and safety and takeover your manufacturer’s responsibility as your representative.
Energy efficiency solutions
The employees of Qtics Zrt. and its qualified Partners are committed to promoting the implementation of both European Union and domestic energy saving and energy efficiency measures.
Virtual verification & digital simulation
Computing power and engineer’s abstraction capability enables the design of products, systems even complex solutions in the abstract space, in virtuality!
Verification & certifications
Objectivity has been a precious concept, it shall be assured by engaging an independent, neutral, and professional Third Party.
Consultation & expert services
Owners of ideas or tasks, entrepreneurs, investors all wish to deliver the winning mix of functionality, value, and cost to meet the experience expectations of their clients.
Critical infrastructure & cybersecurity
Human life has been becoming increasingly and continuously enriched thanks to the applied results of science.
Testing & evaluations
Whatever engineers create, turn into a prototype, and build shall have meaning.
These days lifelong learning is not an empty phrase. However, researches have clearly proved the divergence in active participation in adult education among the European Union member states.
Live Working (FAM)
Important for companies involved in the manufacture of EV batteries, where working with components above low voltage (DC 120V) is a daily practice.
Feszültség Alatti Munkavégzés
Minden olyan tevékenységre vonatkozik, ahol a villamos berendezések és rendszerek, köztük pl. a villamos hajtású járművek (EV-k) akkumulátorainak gyártása során feszültség alatti munkavégzés történik.
ISO 17025, VDA 19.1, VDA 19.2
ISO 17025, VDA 19.1, VDA 19.2
ISO 21434, UN R 155 – 156, GDPR, IEC 62443, ISO 27001, TISAX, NIS2
ISO 21434, UN R 155 – 156, GDPR, IEC 62443, ISO 27001, TISAX, NIS2
ISO 26262
ISO 26262
Public Road Test Service
Our Public Road Test service is designed to rigorously evaluate vehicles under genuine traffic and environmental conditions, providing essential insights into how they perform in the hands of everyday users.
Közúti Teszt Szolgáltatás
Közúti Teszt Szolgáltatásunk célja, hogy valós forgalmi és környezeti viszonyok között alaposan értékelje a járműveket, hasznos betekintést nyújtva abba, hogyan teljesítenek a mindennapi használat során.
Data Masking
Data Masking is a technological solution that modifies or masks data so that it is not reversible and cannot be used to identify individuals or sensitive information, while leaving the data structure intact.
Az adatmaszkolás egy olyan technológiai megoldás, amely az adatokat úgy módosítja vagy maszkolja, hogy azok ne legyenek visszafejthetőek, és ne legyenek alkalmasak az egyének vagy érzékeny információk azonosítására...
Technical Service, Type Approval, Homologation
Automotive Compliance Solutions by QTICS Automotive Plc.
Technical Service, Típusjóváhagyás, Homologizáció
Autóipari Megfelelőségi Megoldások a QTICS Automotive Zrt-től.