Consumer & IoT


The innovation due to intensive competition for the satisfied Client and for the next „killer application” has ever been intensifying. So do the related risk management and consumer protection regulations. Our security by design, product safety, machinery & process safety, technology and environmental experts get involved as consulting experts.

How does the Internet of Things benefit businesses on the path to digitization? The data collected by IoT (Internet of Things) devices and sensors provide invaluable insight for clear business benefits. When correctly implemented, IoT can significantly reduce costs and optimize business processes. Collection and correct interpretation of emerging data can provide unique, personalized advantages to each company depending on their profile.

Conversely, most developers today still have difficulty obtaining the appropriate qualifications. Hence, they mostly require assistance throughout product development. However, hiring experts can be extremely costly due to their scarce availability. The solution? Companies typically work with consultants to educate them about their options.

What happens during an IoT consultation? Essentially, we help businesses get the most out of the technology. Our consultants provide a framework to assist companies. They set up a strategy, identify unique business benefits, and aid the development of products and services equipped with a thorough knowledge of available IoT solutions.

Our experts might conduct market research and gather reports to help you understand market dynamics. Then, they determine how to integrate IoT products into your existing processes to aid performance in new areas. Finally, consultants help you pick the appropriate hardware and software vendors to implement the most up-to-date technology.

Cyber security is key when implementing a system of interconnected devices. Due to their extensive experience in this field, our experts at Qtics help you establish and operate your IoT systems to the highest possible security standards. 

Due to our ISO 15408 Common Criteria accreditation, we are qualified to provide counseling, readiness assessment, risk assessment, and gap analysis, while our LVD, EMC, MD, and RoHS qualifications enable us to carry out CE marking processes and (sub)tasks.


Standard, legislation, guidance


ISO 15408 Common Criteria Counselling: readiness assessment, risk assessment, gap analysis
LVD, EMC, MD, RoHS… CE marking process, requirements, (sub)tasks

